Help support the fight

Help support our trip to Washington

Keep updated on our blogs as I will be posting some letters that will be going out to Congressmen, Senators, President-elect Obama, and other important government figures (governors, mayors, anyone we can reach out to). These letters will show are argument in the support for legalizing (and not just decriminalizing) marijuana for recreational, but most importantly, medicinal uses.

These letters will show how marijuana legalization can help boost the American economy in it's worst time in decades. It can create jobs, treat dozens of medical conditions (and even save lives), REDUCE CRIME, and even reduce the use of the REAL drugs (crack, coke, meth, prescription pill abuse).

The money raised will be used to take myself and the rest of us at ISO 420 all over America to voice our opinions in any way we can. We will attend many marijuana rallies & events all across America. If you want us to come to your local event, please email us with the event information and we will try to attend as many as possible (as long as finances are available). Monthly contributions are greatly appreciated. With a monthly contribution of $24 you can help us get to multiple events throughout the upcoming year. 

Email Us

Click here to make a monthly contribution of $24

Include your MySpace and/or Facebook link
to stay updated as new blogs are posted.

MySpace and/or Facebook Link


Monthly contributors of $24/month will receive a bumper sticker and ISO 420's upcoming book, "It's Time..."

You can also select a photo from below to be received as an 8x10

Gifts will be sent after the the 2nd month is billed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is to prevent people from signing up just for the gifts.


Click here to make a one-time donation


Current Drug arrests in America

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